
Fiber Update 7-8-2023: Anyone that has a buried drop in any phase may place their workorder for Fiber.  

To order fiber internet service go to

To reach Brightspeed customer service 

call 833-692-7773.

Construction Phase List


Phase 6 Ready! - Anyone with a buried drop is ready to place work orders.  Please do not place order until your buried drop has been placed.


Phase 5 Ready! Anyone with a buried drop is ready to place work orders.  Please do not place order until your buried drop has been placed. 


Phase 3, Ready! You are ready to place your orders for high speed fiber. Go to Type in and find your address, chose that you are a current Brightspeed customer, select the option you want on fiber speed, select "purchase a modem ($0)", choose your date and time of installation.  Brightspeed does require you pay with credit card through auto montly draft. The process will send you an email after with confirmation of order and installation date. Any questions, please contact Ann Rushing @ 336-944-5518.


Phase 2, Ready! are ready to place your orders for high speed fiber. Go to , type in and find your address, chose that you are a current Brightspeed customer, select the option you want on fiber speed, select "purchase a modem ($0)", choose your date and time of installation.  Brightspeed does require you pay with credit card through auto montly draft. The process will send you an email after with confirmation of order and installation date. Any questions, please contact Ann Rushing @ 336-944-5518.


Phase 1, are ready to place your orders for high speed fiber. Go to , type in and find your address, chose that you are a current Brightspeed customer, select the option you want on fiber speed, select "purchase a modem ($0)", choose your date and time of installation.  Brightspeed does require you pay with credit card through auto montly draft. The process will send you an email after with confirmation of order and installation date. Any questions, please contact Ann Rushing @ 336-944-5518.


The CenturyLink Fiber will be done in phases. There are several polls that need to be straightened up, but no polls will need to be replaced in Phase 1.  Some of the cable lines are in violation on the poles and  they are working toward getting them corrected. Looking further into Phase 2 & Phase 3, there are some polls that have visible rot and will need replacing. As previously mentioned, Phase 1 has been issued to construction and parts are on order. The estimated completion date is 4 to 6 weeks is what they anticipate based on arrival of parts that are coming from multiple sources.  


Board members Ann Rushing & Leilani Snavely met with 2 Brightspeed project Managers on 1-6-2023, to discuss update on project.  Phase 1 is in Fiber testing phase from all the completed fiber splicing.  Once complete, the splice closures will be hung and ready for the phase 1 customers to make their work orders.  Anticipated timeline is now the end of the month.  Phase 2 has started burying fiber to the home, fiber splicing is about 30% complete and preinstalls will begin next week so keep a look out as they will reach out directly. I will begin verifying Phase 3 drops with Brightspeed next week for locates to be issued for buried drops. 


Board members Ann Rushing & Leilani Snavely met with 2 Brightspeed project Managers on 11-7-2022,  to discuss and ride several phases of the project. The original phase plan has changed.  Please note the new phase map and a status sheet for each phase shown above.  It is very challenging to provide exact dates for each phase.  We hope the the current progress is noticed and weather permitting, the installation crews will continue at the current pace. 

Woodrun is coordinating buried runs to the homes with Brightspeed using the signup list previously collected as they reach each phase. If you are unsure if you are on the list, please reach out to Kay at the office by emailing

Woodrun will contact the homeowners with the phone number to call at the appropriate time to request a work order (connection in the home). The homeowner must be present at the time of the final connection to allow the Brightspeed technician entry access to the inside of the home to connect the equipment. 

10-25-2022 Brightspeed Fiber Update

Updates below are by phases of the project per Louis Kornegay:

The changeover to Brightspeed has been an adventure, to say the least. I was on a call today and learned that the contractor had some personnel changes, but they are back up to speed and both crews should be back on site there at Woodrun. This did, however, require new locates apparently.

The Brightspeed engineer is meeting with the contractor supervisor soon and I hope to get an update on that when he does.

Phase 2 is placing the aerial currently, splicing crews are slated to move from phase 1 straight over to phase 2 when they finish phase 1.

7-12-2022 Century Link Fiber Update

Updates below are by phases of the project per Louis Kornegay:



have all aerial cable placed

still need 96F buried replaced but waiting on LCP handhole to be able to place LCP cabinet

received fiber tails and jumpers but no mounting boxes have showed up to mount the fiber tails 60-90 days to completion



have 144F almost completed 

have 96F that we ordered and will start placing it next

also have 48F to still place 90 days plus to completion



waiting on material to arrive   120+



waiting on material to arrive   120+


5-25-2022 Century Link Fiber Update

Per Louis Kornegay:

According to the contractor, they got diverted to take care of some damages in the area. He said they will be caught up within two days and will be back in Woodrun by Monday. 

5-11-2022 Century Link Fiber Update

Per Louis Kornegay:

I just wanted to send you an update I emailed engineering today and received the following:

4-28-2022 Century Link Fiber Update

Good day!

We are currently working on Phase 1 as you know, the crews have been missing this week due to multiple damages, but they are scheduled to return next week. We have roughly 10,000’ of 144 fiber left to place and the feeder to the LCP. We have the material ordered on Phase 2 and are currently waiting on that to ship. Phase 3 is out of Engineering and we are preparing to get that material ordered as well. If you would like any additional information please let me know.




William Greer - Senior Network Implementation Program Manager

8-18-2021 - CenturyLink Retail Fiber Internet has been approved.  

What is high speed Fiber?  Click Here.

We will provide you updates as we hear from CenturyLink on deployment.  They will be marketing to the homeowners in many different ways.  Stay tuned.